Jan Coggan Timeline and Summary


Jan Coggan Timeline and Summary

  • Jan Coggan offers Gabriel Oak a place to stay the night when Oak first shows up in Weatherbury. Coggan knows the two of them will be working together now, so they might as well be friends.
  • The next day, Coggan hears about the disappearance of the servant Fanny Robin, and he wonders what could have happened to the young woman.
  • When it comes time for Fanny Robin's body to be transported to the Weatherbury cemetery, Jan convinces the wagon driver, Joseph Poorgrass, to come to the pub and get drunk. Gabriel Oak busts in and criticizes Jan for what he's done. It's the biggest fight that the two of them ever have.
  • At the end of the book, Gabriel asks Jan to be the best man at his super-secret wedding. Jan agrees.