Liddy Timeline and Summary


Liddy Timeline and Summary

  • Liddy pops up when Bathsheba first takes over the role as boss at her uncle's farm. From the get-go, Liddy acts as though she's a privileged person in the house.
  • When Bathsheba asks about Farmer Boldwood, Liddy is quick to dish out all the local gossip about how Boldwood is one of the most eligible bachelors in town.
  • When Liddy and Bathsheba are feeling bored one day, they cook up a scheme to send Farmer Boldwood an anonymous Valentine saying, "Marry Me" on it. Little do they know that this decision will eventually have deadly consequences.
  • Time and time again, Liddy gossips about Bathsheba's relationship status and talks about whether she'll marry Sergeant Troy. When confronted about it, Liddy tells Bathsheba that she thinks Troy is a womanizer, but also a lot of fun to be around.
  • After Bathsheba finds out Sergeant Troy's secret engagement to Fanny, she and Liddy hole themselves in a bedroom and reads books together.
  • At the end of the book, Bathsheba asks Liddy to be a witness (aka maid of honor) at her wedding.