Carl (Steve Buscemi)’s Timeline and Summary

Carl (Steve Buscemi)’s Timeline and Summary

  • After agreeing to Jerry's kidnapping deal, Carl and Gaear hire a couple of prostitutes and bring them to the Blue Ox motel near Brainerd, MN.
  • Carl has some doubts about the scheme, but goes ahead anyway.
  • They continue on to Minneapolis, where they kidnap Jerry's wife.
  • They murder a state trooper who pulls them over (Gaear fires the fatal shots). Then, Gaear kills two people who happen to drive by and see Jerry dragging the trooper's body off the road.
  • After taking the kidnapped Jean Lundegaard to their hideout, Carl and Gaear settle in.
  • Carl goes to Minneapolis where he sleeps with an escort and gets beat up by Shep Proudfoot for messing up the job.
  • He gets increasingly frustrated with Jerry for not holding up his end of the deal.
  • After Wade Gustafson tries to bring Carl the ransom in exchange for Jean, Carl kills Wade and absconds with the million dollars, hiding it by burying it in the snow.
  • After a trivial argument with Gaear over splitting the car's worth, Gaear murders Carl with an ax.
  • Marge arrests Gaear when she discovers him stuffing Carl's corpse into a wood chipper.