Character Analysis

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Legolas' main moment of glory comes when the Fellowship (minus Gandalf) reaches Lothlórien. There, Legolas sides with the Lothlórien Elves against Gimli on the matter of a Dwarf needing a blindfold to go to the heart of Lothlórien. Luckily for Legolas and Gimli's future friendship, the whole Fellowship agrees to wear blindfolds. And then, of course, Gimli falls hard for Galadriel, so there are no hard feelings to interrupt future Dwarf-Elf bonding.
Finally, we’ll give credit to Legolas for one more thing. He is the son of King Thranduil of Northern Mirkwood. We actually get to meet Legolas’s dad in The Hobbit, when Bilbo steals from him (… long story. Check out our learning guide on The Hobbit for more on Bilbo’s unlikely career as a burglar). It's a nice piece of continuity that King Thranduil’s son is now part of the Ring Quest, along with Bilbo’s nephew and Thranduil’s old enemy Glóin’s son (Gimli). It’s like the Ring Quest is becoming a family business for these guys.