Finding Nemo Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Finding Nemo.

Quote #4

MARLIN: I can't afford any more delays and you're one of those fish that causes delays. Sometimes it's a good thing. There's a whole group of fish. They're delay fish.

DORY: You mean...You mean you don't like me?

MARLIN: No, of course I like you. It's because I like you I don't want to be with you. It's a complicated emotion.

Meanwhile, Marlin has found his own makeshift family member in Dory. Except he's less thrilled about it. Dory might be trying to help, but she's also really slowing Marlin up. And honestly, who hasn't felt this way about a relative before? Sure, you like them…but you also can't stand to be around them. True story.

Quote #5

DORY: Hey, what's wrong?

MARLIN: What's wrong? While they're busy doing their little impressions, I'm miles from home with a fish who can't even remember her name.

DORY: Boy, I bet that's frustrating.

MARLIN: Meanwhile, my son is missing.


MARLIN: But it doesn't matter, because no one in this entire ocean is going to help me.

DORY: Well, I'm helping you.

Awww. Marlin's pretty down because he can't seem to reconnect with his son and no one is trying to help him. No one except Dory, that is. Marlin finally realizes why he shouldn't quite give up on Dory yet. He might just need her love and friendship on his way to finding Nemo.

Quote #6

NEMO: I'm sorry I couldn't stop the...

GILL: No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I was so ready to get out, so ready to taste that ocean, I was willing to put you in harm's way to get there. Nothing should be worth that.

Before this moment, we might have suspected Gill's motivations for helping Nemo were kind of selfish. But, this changes everything. Gill reaffirms his love for Nemo. He's part of the Tank Gang family now and nothing, not even escaping back to ocean, is worth hurting a family member.