The Flies Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used the translation by S. Gilbert found in No Exit and Three Other Plays, published by Vintage Books in 1989.

Quote #7

Then these blood-smeared walls […] and all those half-human creatures beating their breasts in darkened rooms, and those shrieks […] – can it be that Zeus and his Olympians delight in these?
Young man, do not sit in judgment on the Gods. They have their secrets – and their sorrows. (1.1.67-8)

Zeus implies but does not explain – why is it that he takes so much joy in seeing the mortals miserable?

Quote #8

[A tomtom sounds, and the priest dances at the entrance of the cavern, slowly at first, then quickening his gyrations until he falls to the ground exhausted.] (2.1.41)

The people of Argos are ashamed of their humanity, and sexuality is a part of humanity. Remember that Zeus associated sex with the old woman's guilt in Act I.

Quote #9

This is too much – I'll shut that foolish wench's tongue. [Stretches out his right arm.] Poseidon, carabou, carabou, roola. [The big stone which blocked the entrance to the cavern rumbles across the stage and crashes against the temple steps.] (2.1.91)

Zeus acts more like a child than the King of the gods. There is quite a discrepancy between this character and the image projected before the citizens of Argos.