Flowers for Algernon Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #4

I was a person before the operation. In case you forgot— (11.89)

Don't make the mistake of thinking that Charlie wasn't worthy of attention before he got all smart on us. We get so excited every time new Charlie defends old Charlie.

Quote #5

But you're changing emotionally too. In a peculiar sense I'm the first woman you've ever been really aware of—in this way. (11.92)

Charlie's on a short leash, emotionally speaking, and he has a hard time letting himself have a relationship with other women because it's just one more way he'll get away from his roots.

Quote #6

Charlie has stopped watching us. (14.211)

Why do you think old Charlie stops watching new Charlie have sex? Is it just not that exciting anymore, or are there some changes afoot?