Flowers for Algernon Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #4

I only knew that I couldn't stop pressing her. And yet there was a terror in my throat as I begged her. (11.94)

Charlie is putting it all on the line here. This isn't the cute butterflies-in-stomach kind of nervousness, either. Is he scared of something besides rejection?

Quote #5

Dr. Strauss feels that emotionally I'm still in that adolescent state where being close to a woman, or thinking of sex, sets off anxiety, panic, even hallucinations. (11.102)

Hallucinations about sex? Not sure that's the average teenage experience, Charlie, but maybe that just says something about how skewed his perceptions of being a kid are.

Quote #6

Rose, terrified, runs after her. Matt sits there staring at the newspaper in his lap. Charlie, frightened by the hysteria and the screaming, shrinks into a chair whispering softly. (12.118)

Just call them the Family of Fear. We don't get to see Rose this vulnerable often, since she's usually the one inflicting fear upon the fam.