Flowers for Algernon Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #4

I'm confused. I don't know what I know anymore. (11.78)

Why do you think Charlie's first reaction to his new world is confusion? Can he take any knowledge for granted, or is it all up for questioning?

Quote #5

In some ways, you're so advanced, and yet when it comes to making a decision, you're still a child. (11.91)

Problem numero uno for Charlie is that everyone just assumes he's got life figured out. Why doesn't Charlie possess emotional intelligence?

Quote #6

I'm like a man born blind who has been given a chance to see the light. (11.107)

Even though Charlie is all sorts of confused, he sounds pretty convinced that surgery was the right choice. Remember the Plato epigraph (check out the "Epigraph" section for a brush-up if you need it)? Looks like Charlie has been reading up on his philosophers.