Flowers for Algernon Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #4

Now, I'm allowed to keep back some of these more personal reports, but before the final report to the Welberg Foundation, Professor Nemur will read through everything to decide what part of it should be published. (10.67)

Hold up, what version of Charlie's story are we reading? Did Professor Nemur ever get his hands on it? He'd probably just write more stuff about being the greatest professor in the world, but it does make us wonder.

Quote #5

"It's a lie," I explained as we walked out into the lobby. "Things just don't happen that way." (11.77)

Charlie is one jaded guy, but even we know that movie romance can be unrealistic. Still, Charlie seems pretty insistent. Why is a happy love story a lie?

Quote #6

"In fact," I said, "now that I think of it, I believe I've already decided some of it! I think Nemur and Strauss are both wrong!" (11.91)

Light bulb moment—Charlie's learning to trust himself, but that means he starts distrusting other people.