Flowers for Algernon Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #4

I don't understand about myself or my past. (11.78)

What exactly doesn't Charlie understand about his past? Is he confused about the actual events, or how they impact him as an adult?

Quote #5

I'm in the middle of a page and I see your face on it—not blurred like those in my past, but clear and alive. (11.93)

Alice is one of the only people Charlie sees in clear focus—he can't even remember his parents's faces. Is this because Alice is one of the only people who saw Charlie through his transition after the surgery?

Quote #6

Now he had a clear picture of Charlie's mother, screaming at him, holding a leather belt in her hand, and his father trying to hold her back. (11.112)

Take a step back from the awfulness of this quote and think: where's Charlie in this situation? It sounds like he's watching from afar as everything goes down.