Fool for Love Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #4

"Could you hand me that bottle, please?" (384)

Eddie is clearly a big fan of "the bottle" in this play, and here he and his bestie for the night (i.e., tequila) are about to connect again.

Quote #5

"No, no. Don't go, Martin. Don't go. You'll just get all blue and lonely out there in the black night. I know. I've wandered around likely like that myself. Awful. Just eats away at ya'. (he puts his arm around MARTIN's shoulder and leads him to table down left) Now just come on over here and sit down and we'll have us a little drink. Okay?" (453)

When he's not trying to show Martin how masculine he is or paint May as a pathological liar, he tries to get Martin to pal around and even drink with him. Weird . . .