Fool for Love Power/Control Quotes

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Quote #10

THE OLD MAN: What're you doing'? Speak to her. Bring her around to our side. You gotta' make her see this thing in a clear light.

(Very slowly EDDIE and MAY move toward each other.)

THE OLD MAN: (to EDDIE) Stay away from her! What the hell are you doin'? Keep away from her! You two can't come together! You gotta' hold up my end a' this deal. I got nobody now! Nobody! You can't betray me! You gotta' represent me now! You're my son! (565-566)

The Old Man is pretty much unable to deal with everything that his bigamy brought about, including his kids being in love with each other. He desperately just wants to retreat into his own version of things without the unpleasant truth getting in the way, but right now (as his kids are making lovey eyes at each other) that's getting pretty difficult.