Fool for Love True or False

1. Who said, "Why couldn't you just stay put. You knew I was comin' back to get you"? -> Martin
2. Who said, "You could be anybody's. Probably are. I can't even remember the original circumstances. Been so long. Probably a lot a' things I forgot. Good thing I got out when I did though. Best thing I ever did"? -> Martin
3. Who said, "He's just a date, you know. Just an ordinary date"? -> Martin
4. The following conversation took place between X and Y: 

X: Yeah. Sure. Everybody fooled around in high school. Didn't you?
Y: No. I never did.
X: Maybe you should have, [Y].
Y: Well, not with my sister.

Who are X and Y? -> X=May; Y=Martin

5. Who said, "Boy, is she ever off the wall with this one. You gotta' do somethin' about this"? -> The Old Man
