Fool for Love Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #4

"I don't understand my feelings. I really don't. I don't understand how I could hate you so much after so much time. How, no matter how much I'd like to not hate you, I hate you even more. It grows. I can't even see you now. All I see is a picture of you. You and her. I don't even know if the picture's real anymore. I don't even care. It's a made-up picture. It invades my head. The two of you. And this picture stings even more than if I'd actually seen you with her. It cuts me. It cuts me so deep I'll never get over it. And I can't get rid of this picture either. It just comes. Uninvited. Kinda' like a little torture. And I blame you more for this little torture than I do for what you did." (127)

Now May is talking about the psychological violence that Eddie and their relationship have committed against her. She's got some serious mind wounds, it seems, and they aren't healing any time soon.

Quote #5

EDDIE: (makes a move toward her upstage) You been seeing somebody?

MAY: (she moves quickly down left, crosses right) When was the last time we were together, Eddie? Huh? Can you remember that far back?

EDDIE: Who've you been seeing? (He moves violently toward her.)

MAY: Don't you touch me! Don't you even think about it.

EDDIE: How long have you been seeing him! (136-140)

Here, May seems physically afraid of Eddie, giving us the sense that physical violence might actually be part of their standard dynamic—yet another example of how toxic they are.

Quote #6

"I'm gonna' nail his ass to the floor. Directly." (243)

Eddie is threatening to physically assault May's date when he finally arrives. Apparently, he's a wee bit jealous.