Four Quartets Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Four Quartets? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Krishna is a figure from which religion?

Q. The lines "The dripping blood our only drink / The bloody flesh our only food" is a reference to

Western society's bloody history
The body and blood of Christ
The cannibalistic nature of war
The evils of eating meat
Q. What "strong brown god" tends to serve as a "reminder / Of what men choose to forget"?

The early owl
The river
The dead field
Q. The phrase "Figlia del tuo figlio" (Italian for "Daughter of your son") probably refers to

The speaker's wife
The Virgin Mary
Mary Magdalene
The goddess Diana
Q. In line 167, the "figure of the ten stairs" is a reference to the spiritual writings of

St. John of the Cross
St. Bernard
St. Theresa
St. Joachim