The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber Marriage Quotes

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Quote #7

"Why not let up on the b****ery just a little, Margot," Macomber said, cutting the eland steak and putting some mashed potato, gravy and carrot on the down-turned fork that tined through the piece of meat.

"I suppose I could," she said, "since you put it so prettily." (1.98-1.99)

Macomber doesn't let his wife's bad attitude get in the way of enjoying his meal. These two are clearly not strangers to unpleasant exchanges. Oh, and you have got to give props to Macomber for making up a brand new word: "b****ery." Although we can't help but think that this one might have been better left unsaid.

Quote #8

"It's not very pleasant to have your wife see you do something like that."

I should think it would be even more unpleasant to do it, Wilson thought, wife or no wife, or the talk about it having done it. But he said, "I wouldn't think about that any more. Any one could be upset by his first lion. That's all over." (2.8-2.9)

Wilson tries his best to put Macomber's mind at ease, but he will only go so far when it comes to helping a client. We're guessing he sees this kind of marital trouble all the time, and he knows it's best to stay above the fray.

Quote #9

Macomber's wife had not looked at him nor he at her and he had sat by her in the back seat with Wilson sitting in the front seat. Once he had reached over and taken his wife's hand without looking at her and she had removed her hand from his. (3.12)

Margot sends some not-too-subtle signals that she is unhappy with Macomber. She seems to be physically repulsed by him. Either that or she is a really good actress.