The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She looped and knotted the twine on a spigot attached to a pipe near the door, switched on her flashlight, and walked quickly into the tunnels, ignoring the pricking feeling down her spine and reminding herself that she wasn't being watched. (36.5)

This is how every person dies in horror movies ever (crawling through dark abandoned tunnels) but Frankie forges onward anyway. She has a mission to carry out, and ain't no steam tunnel monster's gonna freak her out.

Quote #5

If Frankie had done what Matthew asked of her and stood Porter up, that would have been a win for Matthew. But as it was, she had gone to lunch against his wishes. (40.7)

Even though she's just a sophomore and is totally smitten with Matthew, Frankie's not going to let him boss her around and tell her what to do. She's not going to complain either—but she's going to do what she wants in her own quiet way.

Quote #6

Frankie's first impulse was to hide. (41.23)

Even though Frankie's terrified of getting caught in the tunnels, she keeps her cool despite the initial rush of terror and the fact that she's burned her arm on the steam pipe. She manages to get out of there and play it cool in front of the guard, even. Way to keep your head in the game.