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Franny Glass Timeline and Summary


Franny Glass Timeline and Summary

  • Franny arrives at the train station and greets Lane enthusiastically. She dodges his question about the green book she's carrying.
  • As soon as she says that she misses him, she realizes it is not true.
  • At Sickler's, Franny feels guilty for noticing Lane's self-consciousness. She resolves to try and be nice to him.
  • Franny listens to Lane talk for half an hour straight while they drink martinis. She asks if she can eat his olive, which he resents.
  • Finally she tells him that he's talking like a section man. After railing against academic "snobs", she feels bad again, and apologizes for being so destructive.
  • Franny has another martini while she and Lane argue about what a real poet is. Franny says that a real poet leaves something beautiful on the page. She says she's tired of meeting people she likes, and wishes she could meet somebody she respects.
  • Franny excuses herself to go to the bathroom. She sits in the stall and sobs while hugging her book to her chest.
  • She refreshes her makeup and fixes herself up before going back to the table.
  • After Lane orders a fancy French meal, Franny asks for a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk. This irritates Lane.
  • Franny starts complaining about all the college kids who do stereotypical things like go to France for the summer. She's tired of meeting the same kind of person.
  • Franny admits to Lane that she quit the play she was acting in. She explains that she doesn't want to become an ego maniac like everyone else. Meanwhile, she's gotten very pale and hasn't touched her food at all.
  • Franny explains her religious book to Lane. She dodges his question about whether or not she really believes what she's talking about.
  • On her way to the bathroom for the second time, Franny passes out.
  • Franny mouths the words of the Jesus Prayer while she waits for Lane to get them a cab.
  • Franny comes home to play out her crisis. She ends up balled up on the couch and repeatedly refuses chicken soup from her mother.
  • Franny talks with her brother Zooey while she cuddles with their cat, Bloomberg. She tells him about the bad dream she had.
  • Franny asks about Zooey's scripts and listens to him talk about his own cynicism. Then she explains to him what bothers her so much about college.
  • She sits through Zooey's tirade against her.
  • Franny ends up sobbing into the couch. She again refuses chicken soup from her mother. When Bessie tells her that Buddy is on the phone, she goes down to her parents' bedroom to take the call.
  • On the way down the hallway, Franny seems to get younger with every step.
  • As Franny talks with who she thinks is Buddy, she complains about Zooey and the things he said to her.
  • After Zooey admits that he is Zooey, Franny is too tired to be angry with him anymore. They talk about Seymour. Franny admits that she, too, was inspired by Seymour's story about the "Fat Lady."
  • Franny learns from talking to her brother Zooey and ends up overjoyed. She lies down quietly and falls into a peaceful sleep.