Franny and Zooey Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Story.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The waiter left. Lane watched him leave the room, then looked back at Franny. She was shaping her cigarette ash on the side of the fresh ashtray the waiter had brought, her mouth not quite closed. Lane watched her for a moment with mounting irritation. Quite probably, he resented and feared any signs of detachment in a girl he was seriously dating. In any case, he surely was concerned over the possibility that this bug Franny had might b**** up the whole weekend. (Franny.2.34)

This is exactly how Zooey later interprets Lane, as someone who is more concerned about his weekend running smoothly than about Franny's well-being.

Quote #5

Franny quickly tipped her cigarette ash, then brought the ashtray an inch closer to her side of the table. "I'm sorry. I'm awful," she said. "I've just felt so destructive all week. It's awful, I'm horrible." (Franny.2.25)

Franny later complains that Zooey is being destructive rather than helpful. This might have something to do with Zooey's discussion of taking things too personally and actually hating people, which fits with Franny's dislike of her own destructive judgments.

Quote #6

"Sometimes I could almost murder Buddy for not having a phone," she said. "It's so unnecessary. How can a grown man live like that – no phone, no anything? No one has any desire to invade his privacy, if that's what he wants, but I certainly don't think it's necessary to live like a hermit." She stirred irritably, and crossed her legs. "It isn't even safe, for heaven's sake! Suppose he broke his leg or something like that. Way off in the woods like that. I worry about it all the time." (Zooey.4.32)

Buddy shares his siblings' antisocial traits. None of the Glass children has been able to acclimate themselves to a normal, social environment.