How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"He fooled 'em," Grim is saying. "Just like he fooled Annie. Just like he fooled us once upon a time." (14.21)
It's pretty clear in Freak the Mighty that smarts can be used for good. Freak is pretty much a genius, and he uses those brains to help Max get through some pretty tough times. But in this passage, we see that smarts can be used to manipulated people, too, and that's how Killer Kane uses his brains.
Quote #8
"The young man is a genius," Grim is saying. "And I don't use that word lightly." (15.28)
Freak gets a lot of praise and admiration for his intelligence, but how about Max? Is he ever praised for his brain?
Quote #9
He stops to rub away another stream of tears. There's no crying in his voice, you can't hear it there, but sure enough the tears are all over his face, slick and shiny in the pale, pale light. (17.40)
Max might call himself a "butthead," but boy is he perceptive. What is he seeing here in Killer Kane?