Freak the Mighty Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I have an obligation," he's saying. "A man has to protect his family."

"Not with a gun!" Gram yells. (14.19)

Uh oh. A father asking for a gun? This sounds eerily familiar. But how are Grim's and Killer Kane's reasons for having a gun different? Should Grim be more careful?

Quote #8

"You know how many Christmas Eves I've been deprived of my own blood kin? Now is that fair, to do that to a man?" (16.19)

Really, Killer Kane? Really? What do you think: does he really miss his son, or is he just playing the victim card?

Quote #9

"Now, your grandparents say you're nothing but a dysfunctional retard, but no kin of mine is a retard, and that's a fact." (17.18)

Derogatory language aside, what does this comment tell us about Kane's views on family?