Fredric Jameson's Clique: Scholars Who Write About Wyndham Lewis

Fredric Jameson's Clique: Scholars Who Write About Wyndham Lewis

It's a stretch to call this a group, but it would also be weird and inaccurate to label it a couple, even if it does only have two members. Anyway, they are dedicated, so that makes up for it. Not many people love Wyndham Lewis these days (if they ever did). People tend to see this modernist writer and painter as a fascist and misogynist just because he was a fascist and a misogynist. The upside? Unlike other modernists, he didn't deny history!

Fredric Jameson

You could chalk it up as the product of misguided and naive young Marxist—or as an effort to recuperate a modernist thrown under the bus for his unsavory ways—but Jameson's Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist (1979) is definitely unflinching. No one can accuse Fred of not looking ideology straight in the eye. As president of this duo, Jameson finds himself apologizing far too often for having written the book.

Paul O'Keefe

Though the title of his contribution to Lewis criticism—Some Sort of Genius: A Life of Wyndham Lewis—should say it all, somehow there is more to say... or more he must say, if only to avoid the awkward silences that tend to crop up in a "group" of two. As such, O'Keefe presents small vignettes about Lewis and then leads discussions.

Previous topics have included: "Hemingway thought Lewis was a Meanie," "Wyndham Lewis and Early Modernist Machismo," and "Lewis Never Paid Back a Cent he Borrowed; or, the Modernist as Fascist as Cheapskate."