From Here to Eternity Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around From Here to Eternity? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Prewitt say to Alma when she tells him that she wants to be with him because she's lonely?

"Loneliness is the essence of human experience."
"That's not a good enough reason."
"Woah—too much info!"
"Nobody lies about being lonely."
Q. What does Karen say to Warden when he says he doesn't like to see a beautiful woman "go to waste"?

"I've already been wasted. Wasted by my husband, wasted by society, wasted by this bottle of chardonnay."
"Waste, did you say? Now that's a subject I might tell you something about. I know several kinds of waste, Sergeant. You're probably not even remotely aware of some of them."
"I'm happily married, sergeant!"
"I hate to see a corny pick-up line go to waste."
Q. When Warden meets Karen on a bench early in the movie, what does he say she's acting like?

"Mrs. Vanderbilt's housecat"
"Lady Rockefeller's prize puppy"
"Bill Gates' chinchilla"
"Lady Astor's horse"
Q. When Alma asks Prewitt why he loves the army after it's treated him so badly, what does he say in response?

"A man loves a thing, that don't mean it's gotta love him back."
"A soldier isn't paid to be logical."
"Yeah, I guess I'll just get a hot dog."
"I owe a debt, Alma—a debt to all my fellow soldiers."
Q. When Prewitt tells Captain Holmes that he quit boxing because he accidentally blinded a friend in the ring, what does Holmes say?

"That's a shame, but you need to carry on, Prewitt. The army can't tolerate emotional weakness."
"I'm playing you a song on the world's smallest violin."
"I commend you for that, Prewitt. It shows principle and moral fiber."
"You might as well say stop war because one man got killed."