From Here to Eternity Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around From Here to Eternity? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Captain Holmes and Karen's marriage function?

Captain Holmes cheats on her, but Karen stays faithful.
Karen is just a figment of Captain Holmes' imagination.
They both cheat on each other.
Karen cheats on Captain Holmes, but he stays faithful.
Q. What does Prewitt do when he hears over the radio that war is breaking out and the Japanese are attacking the island?

He launches off rockets at the planes.
He cracks open another Mr. Pibb.
He leaves to join his unit.
He sends out a false signal with smoke to divert the Japanese planes.
Q. What does Captain Holmes do when he hears that Sgt. Galovitch started a fight with Prewitt?

He rages to the heavens.
He demotes Galovitch.
He orders Prewitt to do a hundred push-ups.
Q. Why won't Alma marry Prewitt (according to her)?

He's a career soldier without enough status or money.
She thinks he's too high class.
She's already engaged.
He doesn't have enough swag.
Q. What happens when Prewitt and Judson have a knife fight?

Judson kills Prewitt, and Prewitt injures Judson.
Prewitt kills Judson, and Judson injures Prewitt.
Trick question. They don't have a knife-fight. It's a samurai sword fight.
They both kill each other.