The Garden of Forking Paths Quizzes

    Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Garden of Forking Paths? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
    Q. Who thought that "things happen only in the present"?

    Yu Tsun
    Q. Which line appears twice in the story?

    "I leave to various future times, but not to all, my garden of forking paths."
    "I leave you my garden."
    "Time is of the essence."
    "There is no time but the present."
    Q. Who said, "This web of time – the strands of which approach one another, bifurcate, intersect or ignore each other through the centuries – embraces every possibility. We do not exist in most of them. In some you exist and not I, while in others I do, and you do not."?

    The Chief
    Q. Who said, "Such a publication was madness. The book is a shapeless mass of contradictory rough drafts... the hero dies in the third chapter, while in the fourth he is alive."?

    Buddhist monk
    Yu Tsun
    A Taoist monk
    Q. Who said, "Time is forever dividing itself toward innumerable futures and in one of them I am your enemy." ?

    A Taoist monk