Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

Now presently I'll give her father notice
Of their disguising and pretended flight,
Who, all enraged, will banish Valentine,
For Thurio, he intends, shall wed his daughter.
But, Valentine being gone, I'll quickly cross
By some sly trick blunt Thurio's dull proceeding.
Love, lend me wings to make my purpose swift,
As thou hast lent me wit to plot this drift. (2.6.36-43)

When Valentine and Silvia fall in love, they get engaged in secret and hatch a plan to elope. (Silvia's dad wants her to marry Thurio.) Pretty sneaky, right? But what's worse – the couples' plan to run off and marry in secret, or Proteus's plan to tattle on them to Silvia's father? Here, Proteus tells us that he's going to tell because he wants to steal Silvia away from both Thurio and his best friend, Valentine.

Quote #5

This love of theirs myself have often seen,
Haply when they have judged me fast asleep,
And oftentimes have purposed to forbid
Sir Valentine her company and my court. (3.1.24-27)

Huh. The Duke of Milan isn't as dumb as some characters seem to think. Here, he admits that he's suspected all along that Silvia and Valentine have been sneaking around behind his back.

Quote #6

Thy letters may be here, though thou art hence,
Which, being writ to me, shall be delivered
Even in the milk-white bosom of thy love.
The time now serves not to expostulate.
Come, I'll convey thee through the city gate (3.1.254-258)

That Proteus sure is tricky, isn't he? While he pretends to be heartbroken about his friend getting banished from Milan, he's actually planning to steal Silvia from Valentine. Here, he generously offers to escort Valentine to the city limits. How thoughtful.