Girl Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Phrase between semi-colons)

Quote #4

don't eat fruits on the street—flies will follow you (13)

Having eaten fruit on the street ourselves, we're pretty sure this is a lie. Okay, maybe it's not exactly a lie, but this is basically an excuse for the rule that eating in the streets in many West Indian countries is rude. Because people are watching you. All the time. Remember?

Quote #5

this is how you sweep a yard (24)

Why would you sweep a yard, you say? Because your yard is not made of lush manicured grass, but dirt. Read more about it here. A yard is an extension of the home and the family’s face to society. If Girl doesn’t learn how to sweep the yard well, you can guess what people will start to call her and what her new social status will be. (Hint: it starts with “s.")

Quote #6

this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely (25-27)

Notice that something as simple as a smile is dictated by people's social relation to you. That’s probably not the only thing. Girl probably has to learn how to talk, act, sit, and even stand around different people with different social statuses. Wow, most days we can barely manage to remember one way to smile.