Glaucus and Scylla Resources
This website will tell you all about he breed of sea slug that's named after Glaucus. (They're pretty cute for slugs.)
Movie or TV Productions
The epic poem transformed into an epic TV series—Scylla included.
Scylla is one of boss sea monsters in the arcade video game, The Ocean Hunter, in which players can blow the crap out various creatures with two mounted gun turrets. Though the game is rare in most places, it's huge in Singapore.
Kratos goes up against Skylla and her monstrous brood in this hack-and-slash video game. (She looks totally disgusting in this one.)
Some high school kids do their own version of the myth in this video.
Scylla looks particularly scary in this movie version of the Odyssey.
You can listen to all of Ovid's Metamorphoses here, including the part Glaucus and Scylla.
Listen to the Scyllafied section of Homer's Odyssey here.
Scylla says, "Yeah, like I'd ever date a gross merman."
Hell hath no fury like a sea witch scorned.
Guess that wasn't a love potion after all.
She's got a lot of mouths to feed.
There's no ring of dog heads on this Scylla plaque, but that's one good lookin' tail.