How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Conservative resistance to change, that's all," said Jean Louise behind a mouthful of fried shrimp. (4.9)
Jean Louise doesn't like change. In what ways is Jean Louise conservative? Socially? Politically? Sexually? In terms of her views on race? How about her views on class?
Quote #2
Revival time was a time of war: war on sin, Coca-Cola, picture shows, hunting on Sunday; war on the increasing tendency of young women to paint themselves and smoke in public; war on drinking whiskey. (5.109)
This line foreshadows the Doxology scene later in the book. Part of the resistance to change lies in religion.
Quote #3
"I just don't like my world disturbed without some warning." (5.222)
It seems that a big part of Jean Louise's issue with discovering Atticus's racism is that it came without warning. Maybe if he sent her a postcard first, of himself in a KKK hood or something, she wouldn't have been as upset about it.