How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
The possessor of the right to kiss her on the courthouse steps was Henry Clinton, her lifelong friend, her brother's comrade, and if he kept on kissing her like that, her husband. Love whom you will buy marry your own kind was a dictum amounting to instinct within her. (1.25)
Henry isn't Jean Louise's kind. Not because he had a "trash" background as Aunt Alexandra says, though. Jean Louise doesn't care about that. She does care that Henry is a hypocrite. But why can she forgive Atticus but not marry Henry?
Quote #2
"Isn't it fairer for a man to be able to see what he's letting himself in for?"
"Yes, but don't you see you'll never catch a man that way?" (1.84-1.85)
Why is all the pressure for a woman to "catch" a man and not the other way around? Why are they still living like they're in Jane Austen days?
Quote #3
"Cousin Edgar still courtin' you, Aunty?" asked Jean Louise. "Looks like after eleven years he'd ask you to marry him." (2.24)
If Jean Louise knows anything, it's how to tease people. And Aunt Alexandra is basically perfect (at least, she thinks and acts as though she's perfect), so Jean Louise picks up on one flaw: her marriage.