How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
To Alexandra, there was a distinct and distasteful difference between one who paints and a painter, one who writes and a writer. (3.16)
Instead of viewing these people as creative types, Aunt Alexandra probably views painters and writers as useless freeloaders. They should be contributing to society by… by… by serving Coffee.
Quote #5
"But you're just saying that a Clinton's not good enough for a Finch." (3.62)
Ugh, Aunt Alexandra. She believes in high breeding and not associating with anyone she deems a "lesser" kind, for fear they may contaminate the bloodstream.
Quote #6
"We Finches do not marry the children of rednecked white trash, which is exactly what Henry's parents were when they were born and were all their lives." (3.72)
It seems that class and manners aren't inexplicably tied together. Alexandra might be high class, but she has terrible manners when it comes to rudely commenting on Henry's background. We guess only people she deems high class deserve good treatment.