Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Go Tell It on the Mountain.
Sex Quotes
Once he and Roy had watched a man and woman in the basement of a condemned house. They did it standing up. The woman had wanted fifty cents, and the man had flashed a razor. (1.1.4)
Violence Quotes
"Your Daddy beats you," she said, "because he loves you."
Gender Quotes
[…] Florence was a girl, and would by and by be married, and have children of her own, and all the duties of a woman; and this being so, her life in the cabin was the best possible preparation fo...
Sin Quotes
There was sin among them. One Sunday, when regular service was over, Father James had uncovered sin in the congregation of the righteous. He had uncovered Elisha and Ella Mae. They had been "walkin...
Religion Quotes
Every Sunday morning, then, since John could remember, they had taken to the streets, the Grimes family on their way to church. (1.1.4)
Coming of Age Quotes
Everyone had always said that John would be a preacher when he grew up, just like his father. It had been said so often that John, without ever thinking about it, had come to believe it himself. No...
Contrasting Regions: North & South Quotes
"You going North," her mother said, then. "And when you reckon on coming back?" "I don't reckon on coming back," she said. (2.1.49-50)
Race Quotes
It was not only colored people who praised John, since they could not, John felt, in any case really know; but white people also said it, in fact had said it first and said it still. (1.1.29)