Character Clues

Character Clues

Character Analysis


Hautman shows us who the main characters are through how they behave. Henry punches Jason for no reason whatsoever. When Shin learns that Jason climbed the water tower without him and with Henry, suddenly he "is hugging himself and his eyes are full" (12.17). Later, when he learns Jason named Henry High Priest "Shin suddenly slides out of the booth, his lips working silently, his eyes glistening" (15.85).

Hautman could tell us on every page that Shin is a soft-hearted boy, but we'd probably get really sick of it, so it's great that he shows us through these little action beats.

Direct Characterization

In Jason's analysis in the "Characters" section we make the point that he's a pretty savvy kid—astutely summing up the people in his life. Of course it is really Hautman behind the scenes, using Jason as a mouthpiece to reveal information about both himself as a character and the other folks he interacts with in the world of godless.

And boy does Jason tell us a lot. Dan "comes off as such a straight-shooter that most people would be surprised to know how crazy he can be" (5.26), and "is terrified of authority figures" (6.86). "Magda can't stand to be left out of anything" (8.52), and "when Shin puts on his stubborn face there's no budging him. If he ever makes up his mind to walk to the moon, I have no doubt he'll get there eventually" (22.50).

This is all very direct, telling-the-reader type characterization. Note that these are all fascinating insights, and super creative ways of describing people. Direct characterization doesn't have to be boring.

Physical Appearances

We not only get to see Magda through Jason's description of her, but also insight into how Jason feels about her. He says:

Magda Price is what my grandmother would call 'cute as a button,' whatever that means. She has long, dark hair that is not quite curly but not straight either, big brown eyes to match, and lips you can't not look at. (3.28)


She is wearing the official Wigglesworth Juiceteria uniform: a tight pink T-shirt with Juicy! printed across the front in lime-green script. On her it looks good. (7.5)

Compare those descriptions to Jason's summary of Henry in "his usual getup: beat-up cowboy boots, jeans, and a black T-shirt" (1.4). "He's only about five-foot-five and scrawny as a wild cat" (1.7). A character who is "scrawny as a wild cat," is going to be very different than one "slender as a reed," or "gaunt as a cadaver." And through these descriptions, we immediately start to get a sense of who we're dealing with.