Good Country People Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Seventeen." (77)

For someone who believes in nothing, and who has sloughed away all vestiges of vanity, Hulga is quite quick to lie about her age. Or perhaps this is an indication of how much she relies on fantasy for her identity: Notice that when she later tells Manley her "real" age, she takes off two years.

Quote #5

She took care of it as someone else would his soul, in private and almost with her own eyes turned away. (125)

Hulga's leg is a huge factor in her identity, and it seems to have become even more important to her than the parts of her body she was born with. Her relationship with it seems to be a complicated blend of shame and deep concern.

Quote #6

"I'm as good as you any day in the week." (135)

Manley gains reader's sympathy despite his heinous acts with lines like this. This story is effective in pointing out how an identity based on looking down on others is very unhealthy.