The Great Brain Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I guess your little brain is too little to understand," Tom said as if I'd stabbed him in the back. "I've taken on a task no other kid in town would touch—teaching Basil English and how to be a good American kid. You saw how happy I made Basil. You saw how happy I made his father and mother. Would you rather I abandon Basil and let the other kids in town make a fool out of him the way they did playing Jackass Leapfrog? I think you owe me an apology, J.D."

I was now the one who felt ashamed. Here my brother was doing a wonderful, kind, and generous thing and I hadn't realized it. (5.83-84)

Oh, poor J.D. Life with Tom is one never-ending game of "Jackass Leapfrog," and he doesn't even realize it. Do you think he'll ever get hip to his brother's ways?

Quote #5

I couldn't help feeling my brother's great brain had planned it this way when he got Basil to fight Sammy. (5.162)

This is one of many times J.D. references Tom's amazing intellect. Sure, things usually work out to Tom's advantage, but it's hard not to admire his cleverness.

Quote #6

"T.D. will probably come out of this a hero to every kid in school," Papa said, and that is just how it turned out. (7.202)

Papa says this following Tom's confession of his role in framing Mr. Standish. While Tom may not get Mr. Standish fired, he gets what he and the rest of the students want: a return to Miss Thatcher's policies. Sweet victory.