The Great Brain Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Poor Mr. Kokovinis, I thought to myself, you had better watch out or my brother and his great brain will take your cafe away from you. (5.57-58)

We feel like there's a real missed opportunity in the book here. Wouldn't it be great if Tom got his own cafe to run? How many different ways would he find to charge customers?

Quote #8

Then began the greatest swindle in pantomime in Adenville's history. Tom took twenty of his agate marbles and one flint taw and put them in an empty tobacco sack. He handed the sack to Basil and helped himself to another ten cents. The one-sided trading continued until Tom had gotten rid of all his old junk and had all but ten cents of the dollar Mr. Kokovinis had given Basil. (5.66)

Tom sells all his old stuff to Basil instead of taking Basil shopping for new things. He argues that he's doing Basil a favor. What do you think? Do you agree with Tom or J.D.?

Quote #9

"You can't paddle me for something I didn't do," Tom said, glaring at the teacher.

"But I can paddle you for not telling me who did it." Mr. Standish had an answer for everything. (7.45-46)

Let's all just take a moment to appreciate that it used to be okay, and even encouraged, for teachers to physically beat students who misbehaved. Can you even imagine? No thank you.