The Great Brain Dreams, Hopes, Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I knew Tom had this on his mind when he approached me with a proposition. We were sitting on our back porch steps just sort of lazily enjoying the beginning of the summer vacation.

"J.D.," Tom said, "let me arrange to mate Brownie with Lady and I'll see to it that you get the pick of the litter of pups."

"I don't need you to arrange it," I said, thinking he was going to charge me for it. "As the owner of the male dog I get the pick of the litter anyway." (3.4-6)

We call it "summer vacation," Tom calls it "new money-making plans" season. Hey, he's not doing anything else—he might as well chip away at his dream of becoming a millionaire.

Quote #5

Papa thought for a moment and then snapped his fingers. "Open a variety store right here in Adenville," he said.

Abie's eyes brightened for a second and then became sad. "I'm afraid it wouldn't pay," he said. "The Mormons naturally buy everything they can at the Z.C.M.I. store and there aren't enough non-Mormons in Adenville to support a variety store. Besides, it would take every cent I have to open a store and if it failed…" He did not finish the sentence. (4.57-58)

Abie wants it to work, but he knows from the beginning it's too good to be true. The grown-up dreams are considerably sadder than the kid dreams in this book. Tear.

Quote #6

Papa was a good talker when it came to settling somebody else's future. I knew Abie didn't have a chance when Papa went to work on him. (4.60)

Aren't we all? It's so easy to think we see other people's lives clearly, plus planning other people's lives gives us all the fun of dreaming without any of the risk.