Great Expectations Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

As soon as I could recover myself sufficiently, I hurried out after him and looked for him in the neighboring streets; but he was gone. (27.62)

Whoa, whoa, whoa. We thought Pip and Joe were BFFs, but something seems to break in this moment when Joe leaves London so abruptly. Pip's fortune may have brought him clothes, trinkets, and opportunity, but it's robbed him of Joe.

Quote #5

It was fine summer weather again, and, as I walked along, the times when I was a little helpless creature, and my sister did not spare me, vividly returned. But they returned with a gentle tone upon them that softened even the edge of Tickler. For now, the very breath of the beans and clover whispered to my heart that the day must come when it would be well for my memory that others walking in the sunshine should be softened as they thought of me. (35.4)

Hm, is Pip finally starting to grow up? He finally has a dream that has nothing to do with becoming a gentleman: he wants his friends to think of him warmly when he dies.

Quote #6

"And so she presently said 'Joe' again, and once 'Pardon,' and once 'Pip.' And so she never lifted her head up any more, and it was just an hour later when we laid it down on her own bed, because we found she was gone." (35.30)

Mrs. Joe seems to extend an offer of friendship and love to Pip only on her deathbed, in her very last moments on earth. Um, better late than never?