Great Expectations Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Great Expectations? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is Pip's brother-in-law, Joe, like?

He's a big ol' jerk and charges stuff on Pip's accounts.
He's really kind and even pays off Pip's debts.
He's just an ordinary Joe.
He's a criminal and a murderer.
Q. How is Joe a gentleman even while not being an actual gentleman?

He's nice, dependable, and an all-around stand-up dude.
He's loaded, but he never flaunts it.
He's really snobby and hardcore into country clubs.
He's not gentlemanly at all.
Q. Why is Miss Havisham so angry at men?

Boys kept pulling her hair in school.
Men keep breaking into her house and stealing her money.
She has daddy issues.
She was left at the altar, and her money was taken.
Q. What is Miss Havisham's attitude toward Pip?

She's angry with him because she hates men.
She loves Pip dearly.
She hopes he'll marry Estella.
She feels like he's her long lost son.
Q. Compare how Pip handles his losses with how Miss Havisham handles hers.

Miss Havisham becomes a better person, and Pip becomes embittered.
They both become better people.
The experience makes him a better person and her a bitter person.
They both become bitter people.