Gremlins Foreignness and the Other Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Gremlins.

Quote #4

DAD: I bet every kid in America would like one of these. They might even replace the dog as the family pet. Think about it, the Peltzer Pet. This could really be the big one.

Rand envisions a world where he transitions from inventor to importer, bringing over a foreign creature and packaging it in a way that makes American kids want to buy it. Considering he's better at telling stories than he is at inventing, this just might work.

Quote #5

MR. HANSON: Can I keep one of these here, run some tests on him?

The mogwai are foreign creatures. Mr. Hanson's a curious American, so he does what all curious Americans do: he sticks needles in them. He'd probably dissect the thing if he the opportunity to.

Quote #6

MR. FUTTERMAN: Gremlins! You gotta… you gotta watch out for them foreigners because they plant gremlins in their machinery. The same gremlins brought down our planes in the big one. […] That's right. World War II.

Mr. Futterman falls into the category of an "I told you so!" character. His lunatic ramblings turn out to be right. Foreign things are dangerous! This whole movie is like his worst nightmare.