Gremlins Quiz True or False

1. Who says, "I make the illogical logical"? -> Billy
2. Who says, "I bet every kid in America would like one of these. They might even replace the dog as the family pet. Think about it, the Peltzer Pet. This could really be the big one"? -> Rand
3. Who says, "Can I keep one of these here, run some tests on him?" -> Mr. Hanson
4. Who says, "Gremlins! You gotta… you gotta watch out for them foreigners because they plant gremlins in their machinery. The same gremlins brought down our planes in the big one"? -> Mrs. Deagle
5. Who says, "He was gonna surprise us. He slipped and broke his neck. He died instantly. And that's how I found out there was no Santa Claus"? -> Kate
