- Phil is drinking coffee at a bowling alley. He sits with two local men and tells them the story of a day he had in the Virgin Islands where he met a woman and they had sex at sunset. He wants to know why he can't keep reliving a good day like that one.
- One of the local men tells him that he sounds like a "glass half empty" kind of guy.
- Phil asks the men what they would do if they were stuck in the same place where every day was the same and nothing they did mattered. One of the two men looks sad and answers that that's pretty much what his life is like anyway.
- Phil leaves the bowling alley with the two men, who are both drunk. Phil (who's sober) hops in with them and decides to drive.
- While driving, Phil asks the men what they would do if there were no tomorrow. They say that there would be no consequences and they could do whatever they wanted. Phil gets a glazed look in his eyes and says, "That's true."
- Phil drives through a mailbox and a cop car starts chasing him. Phil decides he's up for a car chase. He pulls onto some railroad tracks and drives down them with the cop car in pursuit.
- A train starts coming from the other direction, which concerns the guys in the car… but not Phil.
- Phil pulls off the tracks at the last second and laughs like a crazy person. He runs into two more cop cars and eventually crashes into a parking lot.
- A cop comes up to Phil's window and Phil tries to order fast food from him.
- We see Phil put into a jail cell. But by now, we know where this is going.