How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)
Quote #4
HERMIONE: Do you think there's a point where we made a choice—parent of the year or Ministry official of the year? Go on. Go home to your family, Harry. (1.5.38)
Hermione alludes to the fact that Harry has chosen work over family. But if Voldemort has been gone for eighteen years, what has Harry been so busy doing?
Quote #5
AMOS: Let me use that Time-Turner. Let me have my son back. (1.6.18)
Amos wishes he knew his own son, but he can't because his son is dead. Harry's son is alive, but it doesn't seem like he's making an effort to get to know him.
Quote #6
HARRY: You know what? I'm done with being made responsible for your unhappiness. At least you've got a dad. Because I didn't, okay? (1.7.39)
Harry's lack of maturity shows during this childish attempt at parenting. Other dad lines from Harry Potter: "I am rubber, you are glue" and "I know you are but what am I?"