How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)
Quote #7
AMOS: I don't have a niece. (3.18.13)
Harry initially thinks that Amos is lying to Harry about his niece, and he threatens to throw him in Azkaban. Is Harry overreacting here? Does he owe Amos an apology?
Quote #8
HARRY: You would have hurt me less if you had told me this then. (4.4.24)
Harry feels deceived by Dumbledore, and he takes out his pain on Dumbledore's portrait. How would Harry's life have been different if Dumbledore had told it to him straight for his whole life instead of leading him around with a little trail of clues?
Quote #9
HARRY: And did you keep it?
DRACO reveals the Time-Turner. (4.4.54-4.4.55)
Draco deceives Harry by keeping a secret Time-Turner, but Harry forgives him because he's able to use it to get his kids back. As the Head of Magical Lawn Enforcement, Harry is easily influenced and erratic when it comes to dealing out punishment.