Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 Cast

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 Cast

Meet the Cast

Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe)

Harry has been through tons of changes since we met him. Remember way back when, when he was a kiddo who didn't even know he was a wizard? Yeah, it's a little hazy for us, too.But nothing signals a...

Severus Snape (Alan Rickman)

Is he a loyal double-agent? Or has he really crossed over to the Dark Side for good? These questions about Snape's loyalties have been haunting us for basically the entire series, and particularly...

Albus Dumbledore (Michael Gambon)

What, did you think Dumbledore's character development would halt just because he died two films ago? Guess again. We're still learning new things about the late, great headmaster.He's Got Lots of...

Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes)

We know it's not nice to enjoy other people's suffering, but there is something really satisfying about watching this sadistic, evil, psychotic wizard get what's coming to him. Finally. Yup, that's...

Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint)

While Ron and Hermione are there for all the heavy action in the film, they don't quite get the same character growth and attention that we've seen in other films. But hey: what are you going to do...

Hermione Granger (Emma Watson)

Like Ron, Hermione doesn't get a ton of airtime in this particular film—at least not in terms of character development. She's still brilliant, of course—but we should note that she's also gladl...

Luna Lovegood (Evanna Lynch)

Luna's main claim to fame in this film is helping Harry along in figuring out the identity and location of Voldemort's Hogwarts Horcrux. When Harry announces that he thinks the Horcrux has somethin...

Griphook (Warwick Davis)

Griphook is kind of an odd duck—er, odd goblin. Up until being kidnapped at the end of the last film (and then rescued with Harry and the others), he worked at Gringotts (the Wizarding bank), and...

Ollivander (John Hurt)

We all know of Ollivander by now, of course: he's the dude who sells all the kids their wands before starting at Hogwarts. Or at least, that's what he did before his shop was destroyed a couple of...

Bellatrix Lestrange (Helena Bonham Carter)

We don't get to see too much of Bellatrix in this film. In fact, most of her screen time occurs when Hermione is impersonating her—so, er, it's not even really her, just her appearance. The real...

Molly Weasley (Julie Waters)

Molly doesn't get a ton of screen time in this film, but boy, does she make it count. On the heels of losing one of her boys in the Battle of Hogwarts, and with Bellatrix aiming Killing Curses at G...

Helena Ravenclaw (Kelly Macdonald)

Who says ghosts can't be characters, too? Helena certainly manages to bring the drama during her few moments talking to Harry, so we'd say she deserves a mention. Helena is the Grey Lady, a.k.a. th...

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy (Jason Isaacs and Helen McCrory)

Lucius and Narcissa's primary role in the last couple of films has been to look pale and upset as the Dark Lord taunts them (and their son). And their situation is pretty much the same here. Howeve...

Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton)

Draco doesn't pop up too much in this film—well, except for one very dramatic scene in which he and some friends chase Harry to the Room of Requirement to get his wand back:DRACO: Well, well, wha...

Aberforth Dumbledore (Ciarán Hinds)

Finally, we learn truth behind the mystery of the blue eye in Harry's little mirror fragment—you know, the one that looks like Dumbledore's eye. As it turns out, the eye belongs to Aberforth Dumb...