Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe)’s Timeline and Summary

Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Harry's spent the summer with the Weasleys, and it's time for one more bit of fun before heading back to school. So, he heads to the Quiddtich World Cup.
  • It's all fun and games until the Death Eaters show up and make trouble. Chaos ensues, and someone sends up the Dark Mark (kind of like the Voldemort/Death Eater version of the swastika).
  • When Harry gets back to school, the weird times continue. Harry's name somehow gets entered into the Goblet of Fire, which is responsible for selecting competitors in the Triwizard Tournament. And of course, once his name is in there, he gets selected to play.
  • Harry's much younger and less experienced than the other players, but he's forced to go through with it.
  • He does pretty well in the three tasks—granted, with a lot of help. He does so well, in fact, that he ends up claiming the cup in a tie with Cedric.
  • Bad news, though, the cup turns out to be a Portkey that takes him and Cedric directly to Voldemort. Voldemort has Wormtail kill Cedric and steal some of Harry's blood to use in a potion/spell that restores his body to him.
  • Harry manages to get away before Voldemort can kill him, bringing Cedric's body back to Hogwarts and telling everyone that Voldemort is back.
  • "Moody" takes Harry away to interrogate him about Voldemort, and Harry discovers he's actually Barty Crouch Junior. Barty says he's going to kill Harry, but Dumbledore and friends interrupt and stop him. Harry is safe. For now.