Hedda Gabler Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Edmund Gosse and William Archer's translation.

Quote #4

And then she is so brave, Mrs. Tesman!
Good heavens—am I brave?
Exceedingly—where your comrade is concerned. (2.394-6)

This is a dig at Hedda: Eilert is driving home the fact that Thea has what she lacks.

Quote #5

Ah, yes—courage! If one only had that!
What then? What do you mean?
Then life would perhaps be livable, after all. (2.397-9)

Courage makes life livable…how does this change our interpretation of Hedda’s eventual suicide?

Quote #6

Eilert Løvborg has himself made up his account with life. He has had
the courage to do—the one right thing. (4.161)

How is this "the one right thing," as Hedda calls it? Is Eilert in some way paying for his sins here? Are those sins connected with his alcoholism, or with Mrs. Elvsted?