How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
It's okay to break the rules, but only sometimes, and only if you know them very, very well. (6.9)
Thieving is like art, or like writing: you have to know the rules in order to break them. And you have to know when's the right time to break them, too.
Quote #2
"We practice a very old art, Katarina [...] It is kept alive not by blood [...] but by practice." (6.23)
Just like with visual artistry, talent for thieving isn't genetic. A great artist—or thief—can train anyone, whether or not they are related by blood.
Quote #3
Is a forged Picasso any less beautiful than a real one? (8.40)
Boy howdy, this is an atomic bomb of a question, isn't it? Does a work have to be authentic in order to appreciate it? If so, why are there pictures of art in books? And why do people hang posters of famous paintings on their walls?