How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Miss Bishop did willfully... um... steal personal property." (1.24)
Kat clearly has an ambiguous sense of morality; she's not really upset that she's been accused of stealing the Headmaster's car. She's upset that they think she'd actually get caught if she did do it. Haha.
Quote #2
[Kat] thought about crime, as she so often had in her fifteen years—ever since the day her father had told her he'd buy her ice cream if she would scream, and keep screaming until one of the guards outside the Tower of London left his post to see what was wrong. (3.62)
Quote #3
Thieves aren't supposed to want too much—which is ironic, but true. Never live anyplace you can't walk away from. Never own anything you can't leave behind. (4.13)
This seems to be part of the thief's complicated moral code. You'd think that a person whose job is stealing things would be a little more materialistic. But if you're always trying to be two steps ahead of the cops, you probably shouldn't get too attached to anything.